Sunday, September 27, 2009

Leyna missing her dad

It has been more than a month since leyna's dad has been on training and comes home only saturdays and goes back again to his dorm sunday afternoon. Whenever his dad is at home, she acts dif'rently. She always seeks attention to her dad. She rides on his dads back, kisses him always or sometimes do a little acting and let his dad carry her.I dont know, maybe because she misses him so much.

One time while we were about to sleep, she just said to me that we were "kawawa"/a pity. I asked why she has said that and answered "because her dad was away and not here with us". I had to explain to her that her dad has to be away to work and his absence was only temporary and will be back soon.

It has made me realize and felt for those family whom one of the parent has to be away to work especially those working abroad. Raising and disciplining the kids is really difficult and attending to their needs. The loneliness and eagerness of the family left behind. I praise those parent who have raised their children well even with the absence of the other.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Leyna's Reward from her Lolo and Lola

Leyna's teacher gave back their test paper result last thursday and I was happy that she had only two mistakes with a grade of 98% for both papers.

While on the way to the house, she has been telling me that she wants to show her paper to her lolo and lola since they were fetching us to go with them to the city. At the sound of the car horn at the gate, she ran outside with the envelop and proudly present it to them. Both her grandparents where telling her that she did a very good job.

During our lunch at the mall, her lola has asked her what she wants as a reward for the very good grade she got and said she wants a new shoes. So after eating lunch, we went straight to the department store to buy her reward. What I had in mind was to choose a shoes that wasn't so expensive but her lolo let her fit a shoes what I thought was a bit too expensive and was not practical. But since it was her lolo who paid for it and leyna also liked it, I didn't have a choice but to only agree (hehehe).

The funny thing about it was that while leyna was asleep, she has been raising her hand maybe dreaming about her new shoes. (hehehe).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to Renew Car Registration in the Philippines - Esp. if all papers where lost

As I have written yesterday on my blog that I had my dad's car registered, and wasnt able to finish it within a day since I started at 1pm in processing it (I suggest that you start very early to finish it). If you dont know how to renew the registration (here in the Philippines), listed below are the steps:

1. Secure and Affidavit of Loss Form from the LTO Office and have it notarized.
2. Purchase an Insurance for the car.
3. Have your car tested for emission.
4. Stencil the engine and body number.
5. Submit the car papers to the LTO Records Section.
6. Submit the papers from Records Section to an LTO Officer for processing of the Lost Certificate of Registration.
7. Pay for the Certification.
8. Have the car inspected by the LTO Inspector
9. Have the car papers received to an LTO officer (Window C)
10. Wait till your name be called and give the papers to the window specified by the receiving officer for processing.
11. Wait at the cashier till your name is called and pay the registration fee of your car.
12. Have the receipt photocopied (with your name and address printed at the back of the photocopied paper)
13. Submit the receipt and photocopy to the window specified for issuance of car body and plate stickers.
14. Wait till your name is called and receive the stickers.

Hope this is a big help...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How I spent my Special Day!

My day started by bringing my daughter to school and had attended the mass which was hosted also by the school. While I was waiting at the parking lot for leyna to finish her class, my cousin raymund also stop by to greet but has stopped him on saying anything since I didnt tell my "classmates" (dads who were also waiting for their kids) hehe.... that it was my birthday. They were surprised and was telling me that I was hiding something since I was stopping my cousin to open his mouth. (hahaha)

I didnt plan anything special cause my husband was staying at the dorm for his training and he said that he was not sure if he can come home for a few hours. Since the car was also due for registration, I just went to the city and have the car registered and just had lunch with my parents, daughter and maid at the mall (thanks to my pa who paid lunch. hehe...). Though, I still have to go back tomorrow since I didnt finish registering the car (grrr).

Afternoon came and my husband called that he was at the house! Surprise!!! Surprise!!! So I hurried home to cook dinner. While we were eating early dinner, my uncle-priest also arrived and said that they have a surprise but had to postpone for another day since I was at the city the whole day today.

I thank the Lord for this day and would also like to thank my family for the surprise, surprise!! What I thought would be just any other ordinary day turned out to be extra ordinary. Thank you very very much. To my facebook friends who posted their greetings on my fb wall. Thank you. hehehe....

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Leyna as Mature and Responsible Daughter

It has been a month since my husband was accepted for supervisor training to the company he’s working with now. The training (6months) cost him to be away from us and comes home only Saturdays afternoon and has to be back again to their dorm Sunday.

Because of these, it has been just me and my daughter. One night while we were preparing to bed, I joked Leyna and said to her “goodnight langga”. She responded goodnight but what I was amazed about was that she got up and just turned off the television and lights. I did not instruct her to do all those yet she did it and went back again to bed to sleep.

I had mixed emotions after what she has done. I was happy that she has become responsible and getting mature and yet was a little sad cause I know she is growing faster. And I know, one day she is going to have her own life and would not be dependent on us anymore.

I just have to prepare myself and accept when that time comes. Life...... hehe :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mommy and Leyna Art Work in School

Last friday, Leyna's class had an activity which involved the parents or guardians working with the kids. It was a mosaic making art work from a used milk box wrapped with just a bond paper. We had a harmonious working relationship in making it. I was tracing the glue for the design while she was putting the seeds to make a flower. Though I must admit that I'm not really good in art coz what was supposed to be a flower turned out to be a not so flower design (hehehe).

During the time when the requirements was posted for the said activity, I thought it was just an ordinary thing and it would be okay if I would not participate and just let the teacher assist her. But while we were working inside the classroom, Leyna's classmate sitting beside her had no family to help her out. So, what leyna and I did was assist her in someway and lend her some of the materials so she can also do her work. Leyna would have felt also left out if I was not there for her. And I am glad that I did. Anything for you little angel, anything for you......